Wish He Were Here — He Would Like This Song

Wish He Were Here — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King

I wish the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King were here today. I wish I could celebrate his birthday by listening to him and his family through every broadcast platform.

But Rev. Dr. MLK was part of a constellation of movements for equality, dignity and justice that contained people from so very many walks of life. Before his death, he was engaged in messaging to end the Vietnam war and redirect resources to marginalized communities.

Even though Dr. King was a minister with the power to inspire spiritual purpose in people of any faith, it seems to me he would appreciate this 1974 song by Los Guaraguao whose message resonates with the African proverb spoken often by the late Congressman John Lewis, “When You Pray, Move Your Feet.”

I have translated the lyrics to No Basta Rezar below. I thank you for listening and reading.

No Basta Rezar by Los Guaraguao

No, no, praying is not enough: so very many things are still missing that could achieve peace.

They pray with faith and wish people “love and light,” but even the pilot prays before boarding the plane to bomb children abroad.

No, no, praying is not enough: so very many things are still missing that could achieve peace.

Peace cannot be attained if there is no revolution: the rich people pray, the master prays even while mistreating the people who work for them.

No, no, praying is not enough: so very many things are still missing that will allow for peace.

While people exploit each other, there can be no peace. As long as inequality thrives on this planet, peace is impossible.

No, no, praying is not enough: so many things are still missing for us to attain peace.

When the People rise up, and everything has to change, you will say along with me it wasn’t enough to pray.



Elisabeth C. Swim, M.A., OAK to NYC to HTX

Teaching Piano, Voice & Preschool Music for 10 years in Houston, Texas: Playful Mindful Music in person and online https://notearspiano.com