Earworms — What to do when you just can’t listen to that song again!?*%$

Have you ever been somewhere waiting, in traffic or on a telephone hold — and a song came on that you’ve heard countless times? A song that you would just rather not hear again? What if one of your family’s ipads is playing a song for the umpteen thousandth time? What do you do?

I like to use my active listening to turn moments like this into mindfulness games. As I absorb the song through my sticky ears (songs get ‘in my head’ really easily), I might hunt for the following:

Active listening helps make life easier even when sounds overwhelm. Photo Credit

*Where is the beat? Finding the beat of the song and tapping it lightly on my chest (if I am hands free) can help me feel more calm and grounded.

* Are there any bits of silence between melodic or rhythmic sounds? What would it be like to listen for those, and maybe breathe deeply into them?

* What instruments am I hearing? Can I pay attention to an instrumental sound I have not noticed before? The easiest one for me is the bass because of its low, steadily placed sounds.

*If vocal, how often does the singer say a particular letter sound? This can be really fun because it activates the logic- and pattern- seeking part of my mind, which is different from the judge-y part that does not prefer the song. 😬

Send me an email or comment here to let me know how this works for you :)



Elisabeth C. Swim, M.A., OAK to NYC to HTX

Teaching Piano, Voice & Preschool Music for 10 years in Houston, Texas: Playful Mindful Music in person and online https://notearspiano.com